
As an 'essential service' we are fortunate to be able to continue delivering our clearance service during a lockdown and have implemented the following procedures to ensure the safety of our customers and staff during this time.

We have implemented a questionnaire at the quotation phase requesting details of any covid related illness in the property to be cleared or in their immediate family / who they have been in contact with in the last four weeks. Any positive responses will mean we are unable to complete a quote visit or clear the property until it has been sanitised by a professional company.

We will always wear a mask in any care home, residential care or vulnerable persons shared facility.

For non-shielding customers who are present during the clearance or quotation visit, we will be masked and gloved if requested, else will maintain a strict 2m distance at all times.

We will wipe down door handles and light switches or any other fixture that we have had to touch during a clearance before leaving the premises.

Where the customer is present, all equipment that we bring to the job will either be new, have been quarantined outside for 5 days or have been washed since its last use.

For empty properties, the above measures will still be adopted.

If you have any further questions about our safety measures, please feel free to get in touch.